If you have ever had ants in your home, you know how irritating they can be. While ants, in most cases, don’t cause any damage to your home, it is still disturbing to have them inside. And, some types of ants such as carpenter ants could damage wood components in your home while other types might eat away the insulation on your wiring in the walls.
While carpenter ants stick mainly to damaging wood that is already moisture damaged, they can also work their way through solid, undamaged framing members. They have even been known to work through pressure-treated wood, which people mistakenly think they cannot.
So, what can you do to keep ants out of your living area and your home in general?
The first step is to make sure you aren’t unwittingly attracting them. Ants love anything sugary and sweet, so you should never leave containers with products containing sugar or honey open. If you spill something like that, make sure that you clean it up immediately, and if you recycle soda cans, keep them in a sealed container.
This is important for carpenter ants as well as regular ants. While carpenter ants “chew” through wood, they don’t eat it. They like glucose, fats, and… well… basically everything we eat as well. So, if they view your home as a food source, then they will set up camp nearby, or worse, right in your home.
You can also use ant traps or pesticides to keep them away. Usually, placing a piece of ant bait next to a trail of ants leading to your home can solve the problem. Also, many homeowners use a mix of borax and powdered sugar, which also helps. Just be careful around children and animals if you choose to use this type of home remedy.
Keeping ants away from your home can be a simple process and one that is well worth the effort.